Our History


Hessell’s Greenhouse originally started in Warren in the 1950s where Michael and Matilda Hessell had a produce stand near Eleven Mile Road. They relocated their seven children to Shelby Township in 1968, and purchased the land where Hessell’s Greenhouse sits today.

The original Red Produce Stand was already on the property when purchased by the Hessell’s. It was the main front entrance and a focal point of the business until the 1990s when it was replaced with the Conley style greenhouses which remain in place today. These are the front greenhouses that run along 23 Mile Road.

In 1991, Ed Hessell (the middle child of Mike and Matilda) and his wife Karen purchased the greenhouse. They continued to grow and sell produce until the mid-1990s.


The original house and barn were torn down in 2001-2002 when the greenhouses made their major expansion into the current layout today. The pole barn was erected shortly after this build. The old garage was salvaged and moved next to the pole barn for additional storage. There are still pieces of the old red barn used throughout the greenhouse as décor.


Greenhouses were added on through the years, with the newest addition being built in 2018. There are currently over 30 greenhouses on the property, which are frequently grown at full capacity. Throughout the seasons, these are filled with Annuals, Perennials, Vegetables, Mums, Poinsettias, and more.


Two of Ed and Karen’s daughters purchased the greenhouse in 2020: Christine and her husband Jonathan Currie, and Julie and her husband Justin Ploetz. They continue to grow the greenhouse that it has been built into today.